it’s clear.

MY mind, MY calendar, the sky.

I should take advantage of this.
what can I fill the emptiness with?

this is ridiculous.

why do I still feel such obligation?
whose requirements am I holding MYself to? MY OWN?

where did these chains even come from?

what’s the most OPTIMUM way to spend this time?
I must find
the MOST BENEFICIAL thing I could be doing RIGHT NOW!

nope. I reject that. the best thing for ME is to be.
to put it all down for now.

maybe if I practice this I can make it a habit?

DAMN IT! there it is again.


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Raw pieces of unfinished poetry, with commentary, every Tuesday morning.


This poem in the wild:

Benny Bowden

Designer with strengths in digital product design, UI/UX design, branding, and marketing. Forever balancing a high attention to detail with an intentional focus on the goals of a project.

Always learning to listen; to the customer, the market, my mentors, and the subject matter experts I'm lucky enough to encounter each day.


Me and the Tree


Sip Slow